野人為Tiger Party所設計的三支ASMR虛擬城市動畫,以紐約時代廣場、台北101和雪梨歌劇院等知名地標為背景。透過這些動畫作品,傳遞Tiger Party在社交媒體上的創意能量。
We have created three ASMR virtual city animations for Tiger Party, featuring iconic landmarks such as Times Square, Taipei 101, and the Sydney Opera House. Through these animations, Tiger Party showcases its creative energy on social media.

▒ Credits
Production:野人設計 Wild Design
Client:翔琥科技 Tiger Party
Director:侯思妤 Szu-Yu Hou
Project Manager:吳昱緯 Phil Wu、游佳怡 Chia Yi Yu
Concept:侯思妤 Szu-Yu Hou、林意媗 Doris Lin
Storyboard:林意媗 Doris Lin
Design & Animation:林意媗 Doris Lin