Do it faster with ASUS|Social Media Video

Do it faster with ASUS | 社群媒體宣傳影片

We’ve created a series of joyful animations for ASUS showing how old and new laptops perform in different tasks, as well as the incredible speed of ASUS H-Series CPUs.

We’ve created a different colour palette and made the two laptops with different slim and thick bezels, missing keyboards and added some dents to highlight the contrast between the old and new laptops.


#1 Exporting files from Lightroom?
#2 Opening 20 tabs at once?
#3 Exporting files from HandBrake?
#4 Exporting files from Premiere Pro?




Directed By Wild Design

Director:Szu-Yu Hou
Project Manager:Szu-Yu Hou
Concept : Szu-Yu Hou
Storyboard : Ida Chen / Szu-Yu Hou
Design:Szu-Yu Hou
Animation:Mizu Huang / Taro Huang / Szu-Yu Hou

Sound Design:Quiet Chen