

Nuclear fusion is the process of providing energy to the sun, and human civilization is also extracting the huge energy contained in the nucleus through nuclear fusion experiments.
Using this as the concept of the work, we would like to imagine a vision of the future and create our own sun.
We combined the process of nuclear fusion with the characteristics of innovation, rigour and the youth of the company to indicate unlimited possibilities for the future.
It also represents the ambition of young people to build dreams and create a unique and dazzling sun that belongs only to themselves. It also envisions the company will become the light that illuminates the industry.
Concept Art
Story board
Directed by:野人設計 Wild Design

Project Manager:吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Creative Director:陳志育 Ida Chen
Creative:陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Storyboard:陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Motionboard:吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Concept Art:曾瑋翔 Wei-HsiangZeng
Styleframes:陳志育 Ida Chen、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、黃敏琇 Mizu Huang、林玟誼 Wen-Yi
Animation:黃敏琇 Mizu Huang、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Lighting & Rendering:陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Compositing:黃敏琇 Mizu Huang
Music & Sound Production:紋聲音樂 WinSound Studio
Music & Sound Design:林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
Score Mixer & Dubbing Mixer:林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin
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