

Jumbo is a company with creativity and youthful atmosphere.

By describing Jumbo’s corporate culture, every idea brought out by Jumbo comes from their employees’ vivid imagination.And through integration and careful crafting, they make their product services not only attract player, but also talents to join the game.Because of this vibrant and changeable culture, Jumbo appeals countless attention and becomes the indicator of the industry.
Directed by:野人設計 Wild Design
Client:尊博科技股份有限公司 Jumbo
Project Manager:吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Creative Leader:陳志育 Ida Chen
Creative:吳昱緯 Phil Wu、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、黃敏琇 Mizu Huang
Storyboard:陳志育 Ida Chen、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、黃敏琇 Mizu Huang
Styleframes:陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Modeling & Textureing:陳志育 Ida Chen、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Animation:吳昱緯 Phil Wu、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、余鐵非 Tieh fei
Lighting & Rendering:陳志育 Ida Chen、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Compositing:吳昱緯 Phil Wu、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen
Copy:沈珮瑩 Peggy Shen
Translator:許少鴻 Hsu Shao Hung
Music & Sound Design:海波浪音樂 HYPERLUNG
Voice Over:克尼司 Kronis
Voice Recording Engineer:林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin (紋聲音樂 WinSound Studio)
Voice Recording Studio:浮光音樂錄音室 Fullight Music
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