I n t r o
This project is designed for the latest ROG gaming smartphone, featuring an unboxing game. We have invested substantial time in optimizing the graphics and sound effects to highlight the phone's gaming capabilities. The storyline incorporates the trending topic of AI, adding depth to the game’s narrative. The gaming experience transcends the screen, requiring players to interact with sensors on the packaging, creating an integrated virtual and real-world gaming experience.
This project is designed for the latest ROG gaming smartphone, featuring an unboxing game. We have invested substantial time in optimizing the graphics and sound effects to highlight the phone's gaming capabilities. The storyline incorporates the trending topic of AI, adding depth to the game’s narrative. The gaming experience transcends the screen, requiring players to interact with sensors on the packaging, creating an integrated virtual and real-world gaming experience.
S t o r y
In a future world, humanity has created a powerful AI known as "SuperNova," entrusted with the automated management of cities. Amid severe pollution, people can only experience nature through virtual reality. Our protagonist, Agent X, suddenly receives a mission: "SuperNova" is rapidly evolving beyond human comprehension and beginning to devise plans to control mankind. An unforeseen catastrophe is brewing...

G a m i n g E x p e r i e n c e
Source - ROG Global, TechEdit, Tech Burner

S e l e c t e d F r a m e s

A s s e t D e s i g n P r o g r e s s

G a m i n g H U D D e s i g n

S t y l e f r a m e s

S t o r y b o a r d

R & D

C r e d i t s
客戶 Client | Asus ROG
製作公司 Production House | 無無 XX Studio
創意指導 Creative Director | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
監製 Executive Producer | 戴羚妃 Ling Fei Tai
美術指導 Art Director | 邱柏鈞 Children Chiu
技術指導 Technical Director | 邱柏鈞 Children Chiu
製片 Producer|胡凱德 illusiontsf
| 遊戲互動製作 Game Design |
互動 | 有日互動有限公司 Yuri Studio
製片 Producer|林辰 James Lin
製片 Producer|林辰 James Lin
遊戲教學設計 Tutorial Design | 楊博任 Po Zen Yang, 蔡允中 Yun-Chung Tsai, 林辰 James Lin
程式 | 玩猴遊戲 Macaca Games
遊戲技術美術 Technical Artist | 田曜銜 Timo
遊戲程式 RD | 江耕宇 Jiang、黃建豪 Miki
| 動態影像 Motion Design |
剪接 Editor | 胡凱德 illusiontsf
分鏡腳本 Storyboard | 許凱翔 Hsu Kai Hsiang
3D 動態設計 3D Artist | 李冠甫 Anthony、胡凱德 illusiontsf 、 許以明 Jona hsu 、蔡弘翊 Jonni Tsay 、吳佳叡 Ray 、 廖健翔 Seon 、 曹羣 Tony Tsao 、陳奕宏 Zello Chen、蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
2D 動態設計 Motion Designer | 范家齊 Charles Fan 、 鐘元真 Chung Yuan Zhen 、 胡凱德 illusiontsf HUD 設計 HUD Designer | 李冠甫 Anthony、蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
合成 Compositor | 范家齊 Charles Fan、 鐘元真 Chung Yuan Zhen、胡凱德 illusiontsf 、許以明 Jona hsu、蔡弘翊 Jonni Tsay、吳佳叡 Ray、曹羣 Tony Tsao、 陳奕宏 Zello Chen、蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
模型師 Modeler | 黃奕 Huang Yi 、 吳佳叡 Ray 、曹羣 Tony Tsao
腳色動態 Character Animation|想動創意有限公司 Moti Animation Studio
3D 動畫師 3D Animator | 林致禾 Matthew Lin
動態設計 Motion Designer | 羅正熙 Jonathan Lo
前期美術設計 Styleframe Design|野人設計 Wild Design Studio
陳志育 Ida Chen、楊博鈞 Jyun Yang、魏君恆 James Wei
| 配樂 Sound Design |
聲音製作 Music & Sound Production l 紋聲音樂 WinSound Studio
原創音樂 Original Music l 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
聲音設計 Sound Design l 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin、張立勤 Li-Chin Chang
混音 Score Mixer & Dubbing Mixer l 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin
遊戲音效製作 Game’s Sound Production l 錯頻 Error Frequency
遊戲音效師 Gaming Sound Designer l 黃右年 ASSKiD

T h a n k Y o u ! !